Ambe Group Investment division is positioned as a private equity investment that leverage third party and own funding on value creation through strategic investments in all sectors driven by the vendor and corporate finance communities. We aim to build a sizable portfolio and to substantially grow the value in investee companies.

We have interests in growth-industry opportunities and focuses on shareholder value creation while maintaining transparent shareholding and governance structures. With interests in property, energy, education, manufacturing, health and ICT sectors, our founders have the benefit of a vast business network and relationships, access to markets and professional experience.

Ambe Group strategic and technical partnership ethos is aligned to its company values and it partners with companies that have a proven track record, transformed and are geared for profitable earnings.

Our investment strategy is threefold – initial investments are purely financial in nature followed by the acquisition of specialised skills and experience and lastly operational involvement and control with a view of expanding its interests in the long term.

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